2012. május 3., csütörtök

Neon pastels

Neon pastels

I've always had problems with neon colours. I've always found them way too bright and "showish", that way I've never had any "neon". I slowly accepted the fact that all of my favourite shops will be floaded by neon clothes, and all of my favourite bloggers will post neon coloured outfits but me, myself just simply avoided the fact that neon colours existed. Till now...

How I became a neon-pastel lover?

I've always liked pastels colours - what else a romantic girl could do ?! - so when I saw the upcoming neon-pastel trend, I thought it's time for me to dare! It was a longer process that started last summer when I was wearing neon-pastel colours (like mint and lilac) on my nails for the first time :) (What a scandal! :)). And it ended up last week when I bought my first neon-mint cardigan ever.

What is the point of this story?

Nothing but the fact that everyone should dare to wear colours :) This trend which is on since last year, but which has its booming now, can be a good start for every "shy girl". It's not that bright, it's not that showy, but it still adds enough to your outfit :)

What else?

I really don't want to add explanations for each outfit that I created. :) I am sure all of you saw neon-pastel outfits before. In my opinion if you want to "learn", the only thing you have to do is just keep your eyes peeled. You can easily get inspired by bloggers/outfit of the days or magazines. 

After all, here is my "rules" or ways to wear it:
  • You can always keep it casual with a pair of jeans and flat shoes
  • You can always tone it down with basic colours such as white and black
  • You can always add a bit more with accesories
That's it, because in the end you'll be the one who'll decide how to wear it :) 

And where to find neon-pastel clothes?

Literally everywhere, but here are my favourites from H&M

And what's yours?


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